EM Consulting Service

Our Electron Microscopy Consulting Service works for scientists and companies. We evaluate the viability of electron microscopy projects, providing experimental design and specific protocols, interpretation and presentation of results. In particular cases, we also offer sample processing and imaging. Our services include the elaboration of microscopy sections in grant proposals.

Our group has over 20 years of experience in electron microscopy of biological specimens. We are specialists in structural virology, cell ultrastructure, correlative light and electron microscopy, cryo-methods and in situ molecular mapping.

Rates depend on the complexity of the services, typically 500 to 1000 € for a consulting service and 500 € per sample when a service of  sample processing and imaging has been approved  (taxes and indirect costs not included). Once a request has been accepted, the applicant is informed about the cost and time for delivery.

For more information please contact Dr. Cristina Risco (crisco@cnb.csic.es).
